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  • 11:08 UTC (diff) 2014-09-20 Smart ties in Emacs . . . . Marcin Borkowski As all TeX users know, in all flavors of TeX you use the tilde (~), called a “tie” in The TeXbook, to denote non-breakable spaces. Of course, if you use Emacs, you may use some helpers, like tildify to insert them interactively or after typing/yanking some text. (minor)
  • 11:07 UTC (new) 2014-09-20 Smart ties in Emacs . . . . Marcin Borkowski As all TeX users know, in all flavors of TeX you use the tilde (~), called a “tie” in The TeXbook, to denote non-breakable spaces. Of course, if you use Emacs, you may use some helpers, like tildify to insert them interactively or after typing/yanking some text.

