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  • 06:26 UTC (diff) 2016-02-27 Make Yourself Known – introduction . . . . Marcin Borkowski Some time ago, I decided to take part in an interesting endeavor. A friend of mine shared a link to a blog (in Polish) by a guy called Maciej Aniserowicz, who announced a contest for a programming blog. The contest is called “Daj się poznać” (“Make yourself known”), and seems to be a nice way to motivate oneself to learn something new. (minor)
  • 06:24 UTC (diff) 2016-02-27 Make Yourself Known – introduction . . . . Marcin Borkowski Some time ago, I decided to take part in an interesting endeavor. A friend of mine shared a link to a blog (in Polish) by a guy called Maciej Aniserowicz, who announced a contest for a programming blog. The contest is called “Daj się poznać” (“Make yourself known”), and seems to be a nice way to motivate oneself to learn something new. (minor)
  • 06:23 UTC (new) 2016-02-27 Make Yourself Known – introduction . . . . Marcin Borkowski Some time ago, I decided to take part in an interesting endeavor. A friend of mine shared a link to a blog (in Polish) by a guy called Maciej Aniserowicz, who announced a contest for a programming blog. The contest is called “Daj się poznać” (“Make yourself known”), and seems to be a nice way to motivate oneself to learn something new.

