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(for 2017-12-04_Embedding_files_in_Org-mode only)

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  • 12:58 UTC (diff) 2017-12-04 Embedding files in Org-mode . . . . Marcin Borkowski typo (minor)
  • 09:59 UTC (new) 2017-12-04 Embedding files in Org-mode . . . . Marcin Borkowski A few days ago, there was a question on the help-gnu-emacs mailing list about a way to embed an image in a text file. Of course, the OP was instantly pointed to Org-mode. However, this does not quite do what he wanted: while you can have attachments/links to images in Org, you then need two files instead of one. This being Emacs and Org-mode, there exists an (at least partial) solution.

