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  • 21:13 UTC (new) (history) 2018-11-11 Poland gained independence 100 years ago . . . . Marcin Borkowski Today we [[|again]] [[|depart]] from the usual topics of my blog. We have a very important day today in Poland – [[|one hundred years ago my country gained independence]] after more than a hundred years of political nonexistence.



  • 14:46 UTC (new) (history) 2018-10-27 Launching terminal in current directory . . . . Marcin Borkowski I am a bit ashamed that I do not always use Eshell – I sometimes rely on a “proper” bash in a terminal. (One possible reason is when I ant to run something that does not play too well with Eshell, like top or watch. I know it is possible to do that in Eshell, using eshell-visual-commands, but it seems I’m too lazy (or still too much accustomed to my usual terminal) to change that. Anyway, it is feasible to want to run a terminal (or any other program) in the current directory from Emacs. It turns out that it is easy to do using async-shell-command.


  • 11:48 UTC (new) (history) 2018-10-22 Running visual commands in Eshell . . . . Marcin Borkowski It is a known thing that running commands that control the terminal like top in Eshell is problematic – Eshell plays well with commands that take stdin in and put stdout out, but any control codes are just displayed verbatim. Happily, there is a way around it.

