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  • 07:17 UTC (new) (history) 2019-02-24 Transferring strings to a phone via QR codes . . . . Marcin Borkowski Sometimes I need to transfer some text (a link, a short note or something else) from my computer to my phone. A usual way is to send it via some cloud-based service – but I don’t really like it, since there is no such thing as cloud – only other people’s computers. While I am not rigorously opposed to such an idea, I do not like putting my personal stuff on somebody else’s machine without any good reason. Another way is to email the thing – but I do not have an email client configured on my phone, and I really want it to stay that way. (I consider email to be a crucial part of my privacy/security. Having it on my phone puts me at significant risk – phones like to be stolen or lost, for instance.) A few days ago, an idea of using QR codes came to my mind.





  • 04:46 UTC (new) (history) 2019-02-04 A simple template mechanism in Elisp . . . . Marcin Borkowski A long time ago I asked on the Emacs mailing list about a templating mechanism for Emacs Lisp. Of course, there is format. However, I don’t like it as a template engine, since the entries are identified by their order and not names. Then, there is YASnippet and skeleton.el, but they are (probably) better suited for interactive use. (At least Yasnippet can be used programmatically, but it seemed to be too complicated for my needs anyway back then.) Some people suggested other solutions, none of which really appealed to me. So, I set out to write my own.


