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  • 20:42 UTC (new) (history) 2020-07-13 Miller - a csv Swiss Army knife . . . . mbork I often need to work with csv files. Until recently, my go-to tools to do most things with them were Emacs with csv-mode (when I need to interactively edit simpler csvs, LibreOffice (when I need interactivity and more complex things, like multi-line cells, which are not supported by csv-mode), and xsv (when I need to automate some transformations, like selecting a subset of columns, changing the order of columns and other things). Some time ago, I learned about another csv-related tool: Miller.


  • 17:51 UTC (new) (history) 2020-07-06 Auto renaming image files . . . . mbork Like probably everyone else, I have lots of pictures from digital camera(s). Cataloging them is basically a nightmare, and I lost any hope for doing that manually a long time ago. But why not make the computer do as much work as possible?


  • 11:51 UTC (new) (history) 2020-06-27 Selective display . . . . mbork A few days ago I was working with some large JSON files. The top level of the file contained a large array, and each of its elements was a large object consisting of numbers, strings and other objects. I needed to work with a few elements at the top level of those objects, and did not want the lower-level objects to get in the way. In other words, I needed to hide them somehow.

