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  • 19:12 UTC (new) (history) 2020-12-21 Pretty printing json and jsonb columns in PostgreSQL . . . . mbork And for today I have yet another short PostgreSQL tip. I use a database which has quite a few tables with jsonb – and also json – type fields. (I know, I know. No new json columns, but legacy etc.) Since they often contain quite a few things, pretty printing them is something I tend to do fairly often. Happily, PostgreSQL has a function to do that. Less happily, it only works with jsonb columns, and has a long, awkward name: jsonb_pretty. But it’s no longer a problem for me, since it is easy to create a shorthand.



  • 22:02 UTC (new) (history) 2020-12-07 Temporary PostgreSQL tables . . . . mbork Today I have yet another small PostgreSQL tip. Sometimes you want just to experiment a bit, or maybe move some data around a bit, and then you may have the idea “ok, so I’ll just create this table, do something with it, and then drop it”. Well – you don’t have to drop it.


  • 21:43 UTC (new) (history) 2020-11-30 Repeating complex commands . . . . mbork Today I learned about a fantastic Emacs feature I had no idea about. I knew that the key C-x z is bound to the repeat command, which, well, repeats the last (simple) command – I even use it from time to time. I had no idea, however, that there is another command which can repeat “complex” commands – i.e., ones that use the minibuffer to accept some input.


  • 10:52 UTC (new) (history) 2020-11-23 Emacs and the X selection . . . . mbork One thing I have been reading about lately is the interaction between Emacs and the outside world via the clipboard. Of course, Emacs predates the clipboard by a lot, but it interacts with it pretty nicely. I have a blog post about that in the works, but it’ll need a bit more work, and I’m really busy now (again…), so for today I only have a short tip.

