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  • 09:17 UTC (new) (history) 2022-12-25 Merry Christmas 2022 . . . . mbork Merry Christmas to you all! Many people seem to fall in the rut of “Christmas again, and my life is still rubbish – nothing changed, and probably nothing will ever change…”. Folks, this is so wrong! What I think is this: “yet another Christmas” means that God believes that I am capable of change, and is giving me one more chance – again! Thank you, my Lord! That is not to say that I should not try to do my best to be better. In my case this means (among other things) that I’m (finally) starting to do regular weekly reviews, and planning my weeks and (hopefully) quarters and years. But enough of it. This is not a post about my productivity, this is about the joy of Christmas! Our Savior is born, rejoice! (Also, per the tradition, I will offer a decade of rosary for all my readers!)


  • 07:22 UTC (new) (history) 2022-12-19 A few new things in Emacs 29 . . . . mbork Everybody with an Emacs blogs raves about Emacs 29 these days. Things like Eglot, tree-sitter, SQL support and the like. Well, this is all nice – more than nice, brilliant! – but let’s not forget a few minor advances which are coming with Emacs 29. Let me mention a few things that I especially like.


  • 10:39 UTC (new) (history) 2022-12-12 Debugging chained operations in Lodash . . . . mbork I use Lodash in some of my projects. One of the nice features of Lodash is the chaining concept. If you have an object (often an array) which you want to transform usign a series of operations like map, filter etc. Now this is great – if it works. But what if it doesn’t and the result is completely unexpected? It would be nice if you were able to see the intermediate results of the chained operations without, so to speak, breaking the chain… It turns out you can!



  • 19:33 UTC (new) (history) 2022-12-05 A simple function to create abbreviations . . . . mbork A few days ago I wanted to write to a colleague about accessibility – or, as it is often called, a11y. As you probably know, the 11 comes from the fact that there are 11 letter between “a” and “y” in the word “accessibility”. Of course, I didn’t want to count the letters manually – I just marked the word, pressed M-= (count-words-region) and subtracted 2 from the result. Then it occurred to me that it is Emacs who should be doing things like that, not me.


  • 17:05 UTC (new) (history) 2022-11-26 Extracting Youtube subtitles in Emacs . . . . mbork A few days ago I read about an amazing package. Like the OP, I very much dislike watching videos with lectures – text is much, much better way to communicate. (In fact, when I was a student, I preferred to skip lectures and learn from my colleagues’ notes instead. It was much more efficient.) I decided that I really need to try out youtube-sub-extractor.el. It turned out that it’s very easy to do so.

