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(for 2016-10-30_LaTeX-paragraph-commands only)

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  • 05:28 UTC (diff) 2016-10-30 LaTeX-paragraph-commands . . . . Marcin Borkowski When I use AUCTeX to edit Beamer presentations, I usually want \pause to be on its own line. Therefore, I added this to my init.el: (setq LaTeX-paragraph-commands '("pause" "blpause")) (minor)
  • 05:26 UTC (new) 2016-10-30 LaTeX-paragraph-commands . . . . Marcin Borkowski When I use AUCTeX to edit Beamer presentations, I usually want \pause to be on its own line. Therefore, I added this to my init.el: (setq LaTeX-paragraph-commands '("pause" "blpause"))

