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  • 17:28 UTC (new) (history) 2025-02-10 Running one own's commands . . . . mbork One of the common complaints of Emacs users is “I defined this cool little command to make my life easier and then I forgot to use it”. Well, I found one way to help with that.


  • 16:18 UTC (new) (history) 2025-02-01 ketchup.el . . . . mbork A few years ago I wrote tomato.el, which I’ve been using ever since on a daily basis. I was not always happy with it, though. The main issue I had with it is that the 25 minute intervals seemed a little bit too rigid. Oftentimes I heard a ding meaning that a tomato has just ended, and I take a short break, which disrupted my flow. Other times the short break became a bit longer and my productivity plunged. Also, it was not rare that I finished some task and saw that only, say, 18 minutes passed, so what do I do for the next 7 so that I don’t “lose” my tomato?



  • 07:49 UTC (new) (history) 2025-01-20 Sleep versus productivity . . . . mbork Everybody says that in order to be productive, you need to get enough sleep. This, of course, seems reasonable, but is there a way to actually confirm it scientifically? Well, here is my attempt. Note that it is not really very scientific – but at least it is measurable.


