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  • 17:06 UTC (new) (history) 2024-12-09 The expect command line tool . . . . mbork Some time ago I wrote about the ways you can provide psql with a password to the database. I didn’t mention one of the simplest ideas I had, partly because it didn’t work, and partly because a variant of it did work, but was quite involved. So, here is my initial idea and its working version.


  • 07:41 UTC (new) (history) 2024-12-01 Automatically inserting Ledger transactions . . . . mbork I wrote a few times that I use and like Ledger a lot. As some of you might know, I even wrote a booklet about personal accounting, using Ledger in examples. One of the nice things about Ledger is that it comes with an Emacs mode to edit its files (which is not a surprise, given that it is written by John Wiegley himself). That is not to say, though, that it suits my needs perfectly.


  • 16:06 UTC (new) (history) 2024-11-25 Providing passwords to psql . . . . mbork Some time ago I embarked on a quest to learn how to provide psql with a password in a non-interactive way (for example, in a script). It turns out that there are quite a few ways to do that, and some ways in which you can’t do that.



  • 05:41 UTC (new) (history) 2024-11-18 Discovering functions and variables in Elisp files . . . . mbork Sometimes I have an Elisp file which I suspect contains some useful functions. Even if the file is well-documented (for example, it belongs to Emacs itself), that does not mean that every function in it is described in the manual. What I need in such a case is a list of functions and variables (possibly also macros) defined in this file.

