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  • 16:49 UTC (new) (history) 2024-10-19 substitute-command-keys . . . . mbork Today I have a short tip for everyone that codes Elisp (for other people or even only for themselves), inspired by something I wrote recently (and will blog about soon, too). If you want to tell the user things like “press C-c C-c to finish what you are doing”, don’t hardcode the keybindings in the message string. You may bind the command to finish whatever the user is doing to C-c C-c, true, but the user could rebind it to <f10> or even M-s s-a or whatever key they like, or even unbind it completely. Instead, use the following syntax


  • 11:30 UTC (new) (history) 2024-10-14 mrr-replace-mode . . . . mbork I have to admit that this is a bit embarrassing. A long time ago I announced a future post (and promised to release my code) for performing multiple regex replacements in a buffer, possibly in an interactive way. A few months later I started my first programming job (yay!) and promptly forgot about it…


  • 18:56 UTC (new) (history) 2024-10-07 Autoloads . . . . mbork I’ve known about the Emacs autoload feature for a long time, but I never bothered to read about it. I decided to fix that and finally read the relevant part of the Emacs Lisp manual. It turns out that autoloads are a pretty simple concept.


  • 19:33 UTC (new) (history) 2024-09-30 Backing up small files with Borg . . . . mbork I’ve been using Borg for many years now. Today, however, I had a very specific need. I needed to back up files in some directory (and its subdirectories, of course) but with the exception of “large” files.


  • 19:35 UTC (new) (history) 2024-09-23 npm clean-install --ignore scripts - it's a trap . . . . mbork A few days ago I was scripting a Node.js project and I had a very specific need. I wrote a script run as postinstall, but I wanted to launch it only in specific circumstances. When I found out that npm clean-install has an --ignore-scripts option, I was really glad – until I tried it out.

