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  • 13:37 UTC (new) (history) 2021-05-08 Disabling distractions . . . . mbork Like many other people, I have to fight with distractions a lot. The main distractors (at least when I work on my computer) are a few websites that rhyme with “litter”, “space crook” and “poo cube”. Some time ago I decided that I need to take brutal action against them, and I put this in my /etc/hosts file:


  • 08:40 UTC (new) (history) 2021-05-01 Emacs Lisp book revived . . . . mbork Five and a half years ago I mentioned that I was writing an intermediate book on Emacs Lisp programming. Unfortunately, the project started – and then stalled for quite some time.


  • 05:34 UTC (new) (history) 2021-04-26 Binding a command to what is normally a prefix key . . . . mbork Some time ago, someone on the help-gnu-emacs asked how to rebind f2 so that it sets the default major mode for the current buffer. (The use case was that he wanted to change the mode of a buffer to perform some task, and then have an easy way to return to the “default” mode, based on the normal way Emacs uses to choose the major mode. That normal way is indeed a bit tricky.)
  • 05:33 UTC (diff) (history) Comments on 2021-04-17 Multiple Help buffers . . . . mbork 1. Thanks for the hint about {{{rename-uniquely}}}, I forgot about it. 2. As for the second comment - you have to have something to diff first, so . . .


  • 13:22 UTC (new) (history) 2021-04-17 Multiple Help buffers . . . . mbork When using many Emacs’ help commands (like C-h f, or describe-function), we are presented with the *Help* buffer. It has some basic navigation commands, most importantly forward-button (TAB), hepl-follow (RET), help-go-back (l) and help-go-forward (r), and usually they are enough for me. Some time ago, however, I had a very specific need which could not be achieved by any of them.

