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  • 17:31 UTC (new) (history) 2021-10-04 Emacs Lisp book - status update and plans . . . . mbork This post is a status update about the book I started way back and revived this year. A few months ago I wrote that I expect it to be finished “around September”, and, well, it’s October now. Oops. Except that it’s not that bad! The book is almost done, and when I say “almost”, I don’t mean it will be finished this week, but October is definitely doable. Assuming that we define “around September” as “between August and October, inclusive”, I still have a chance! ;-) So, two questions. Why did it take so long and what is the current state of things?


  • 20:18 UTC (new) (history) 2021-09-27 Ellipses in math - ldots versus cdots . . . . mbork It’s been a while since a TeX-related post here, but I still use TeX and friends once in a while, and this time I’d like to share something apparently not everyone knows about. LaTeX has a \dots macro, setting the ellipsis (three consecutive dots) which is just an alias for \ldots.


  • 11:28 UTC (new) (history) 2021-09-20 Simple tmux scripting . . . . mbork I have recently started to use tmux instead of separate tabs in my terminal. I had a few reasons for this, one of them being that tmux is much more keyboard-oriented.


  • 16:18 UTC (new) (history) 2021-09-13 A gotcha with PostgreSQL's jsonb type . . . . mbork As you may probably know, I am a big fan of PostgreSQL. That doesn’t mean that it’s always easy for me to use or intuitive, though. Today I ran into something strange (which is not that strange when you think of it, but still). Consider a table with a jsonb field, which sometimes has some key and sometimes not (which is the main point of having a jsonb field after all)


  • 18:31 UTC (new) (history) 2021-09-06 My experience with book writing . . . . mbork This is a rather atypical post in that it is just a bunch of thoughts about how to write a book, how not to write a book, how I’ve been writing my book on Emacs Lisp, what was easy, what was difficult etc. If you want to write a book, it might be useful to learn where a fellow author struggled – note however, that this post reflects my personal experiences and your situation, personality, experience, work style etc. may be similar or completely different. Also, this post is quite long, and – let’s say – not extremely structured. It is just a collection of thoughts, some of which might be useful, entertaining or interesting to someone – or not. You have been warned;-).

