I have quite a busy time lately due to some deadlines, so today there’s only a short tip. I used to use M-!
) and !
in Dired (dired-do-shell-command
a lot of the time (e.g., for previewing pdfs with evince), but it was tiresome to type evince &
etc. each time. “There must be a better way”, I thought, and I was right. The better way is M-&
and &
in Dired (dired-do-async-shell-command
), respectively. (For pdfs – and LaTeX – I also put this in my init.el
(setq dired-guess-shell-alist-user '(("\\.pdf\\'" "evince") ("\\.tex\\'" "pdflatex")))
so that I can !
or &
on a LaTeX or pdf file and just hit RET
That’s it for today, folks. Next week I’ll write more.