2023-01-23 TODO stats table with parameters

Last time I wrote about my TODO stats table I promised to make it more configurable. And here I am.

Let’s start with deciding what parameters I want. Looking at the section about clock tables in the Org mode manual, I can see three parameters I could use here, too:

Here is how you can implement them. Probably the easiest one is :maxlevel – you can call (org-reduced-level (org-current-level)) on a headline to get its level. (Here, “reduced” means “taking into account the fact that someone might use org-odd-levels-only.) Note that org-current-level returns nil when the point is before the first headline, so I’ll take that into account, too.

It is also not difficult to implement :scope – it is, after all, one of the parameters of the org-map-entries function. Beware, though – the possible scopes for e.g. the clock table and that function are slightly different! The first difference is that clock table’s :scope allows a function which would return the list of files. The second, more important difference is that in the clock table’s :scope, subtree means “current subtree”, treeN means “the surrounding level N tree” and tree means tree1. In the case of org-map-entries​’ scope parameter, tree means “the current subtree” and there are no subtree nor treeN options. So, in order to define a clock-table-like :scope parameter, we need to pass it to org-map-entries unless it is one of subtree, tree, treeN, or a function. In order to do that, we can copy some code from the org-dblock-write:clocktable function.

The situation is the easiest with :match – you can simply pass it to org-map-entries, and that’s it. The only improvement I can envision here is that I could create another, Boolean parameter to turn on property inheritance just for the one stats table being constructed. This could be achieved by adding the (special) variable org-use-property-inheritance to the let clause surrounding the call to org-map-entries. I leave it as an exercise for the reader;-).

So, let’s put all this knowledge into practice (and code). A bit surprisingly, I couldn’t find an Elisp function to go up the Org file structure until a certain level, so I wrote one. The code should be pretty self-explanatory. And now I have a way to see the status of all my TODO items in a neat table. Even better, this is now a part of the dynamic block system, so e.g. C-u C-c C-x C-u automatically recomputes all such tables along the clock tables. (Now that I learned how to code a custom dynamic block, I am thinking about other possibilities like this…)

(defun org-up-to-level (&optional level)
  "Go up to a headline at LEVEL (default 1)."
  (interactive "p")
  (setq level (or level 1))
  (while (> (org-reduced-level (or (org-current-level) 0))

(defun org-subtree-todo-stats (maxlevel match scope)
  "Get stats about todo keywords.
 MAXLEVEL, MATCH and SCOPE are like in clock table."
    (let ((stats (mapcar (lambda (keyword) (cons keyword 0))
          (ome-scope (cond
                      ((eq scope 'subtree) 'tree)
                      ((eq scope 'tree) (progn (org-up-to-level) 'tree))
                      ((string-match "\\`tree\\([0-9]+\\)\\'"
                                     (symbol-name scope))
                         (match-string 1
                                       (symbol-name scope))))
                      ((functionp scope) (funcall scope))
                      (t scope))))
       (lambda ()
         (when (or (null maxlevel)
                   (<= (org-reduced-level (org-current-level))
           (let ((keyword (org-element-property
             (when keyword
               (cl-incf (alist-get keyword stats nil nil #'string=))))))
       ome-scope 'archive 'comment)

(defun org-dblock-write:todotable (params)
  "Write a todotable."
  (insert "| Keyword | Count |\n")
  (insert "|-\n")
  (mapc (lambda (keyword-count)
          (insert (format
                   "| %s | %s |\n"
                   (car keyword-count)
                   (cdr keyword-count))))
        (org-subtree-todo-stats (plist-get params :maxlevel)
                                (plist-get params :match)
                                (plist-get params :scope)))

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