2023-04-15 Downcasing word at point in the whole buffer

Some time ago, one of the members of the Emacs-humanities mailing list mentioned a very specific problem. He wants to be able to replace all occurrences of the word at point with its upercase (or lowercase) variant. This is one of these things that can be solved with a bit of custom Elisp. Being a big fan of writing small (or sometimes not so small) helper functions to make editing easier, I offered to do a bit of coding to accomplish this task, and here it is. Being a teacher, I’d like to provide at least a short explanation, too. (Most of you probably know that I spent quite some time in 2021 doing exactly this – coding Elisp and explaining it – and the result is my book Hacking your way around in Emacs, designed as a “next step” after Robert J. Chassell’s excellent An introduction to programming in Emacs Lisp. Check out Chassell’s book if you are interested in learning Elisp, and then my book if you ant to go further!)

First of all, we need to be able to know the word at point. This one is easy – you can say, well, (word-at-point). This function comes with Emacs, although it is not defined right away – you need to require the thingatpt feature.

(require 'thingatpt)

The next step is to downcase the word given by word-at-point. If you invoke the apropos-function command and find all the functions containing the string down, you will quickly find the downcase function, accepting a string and returning its lowercase version. (There are other downcasing functions in Emacs, but most of them operate on the current buffer instead of on a string.) Note that it is often a good idea to look for functions in a fresh Emacs without any package loaded/init file evaluated (you can start such an instance with emacs -Q) – in my Emacs, there are 138 functions containing the string down, but only 24 in an emacs -Q session.

Now what we want is a loop, replacing the word at point with its lowercase version until the end of buffer. Since we need to do this also before point, we’ll start with (goto-char (point-min)); since we don’t want the user to notice that we were moving the point around, we’ll wrap it in save-excursion. (We could do without a loop, using the replace-string function. However, its docstring advises us to use it only interactively and use search-forward and replace-match in Elisp code. The reason is that it has side effects like printing to the minibuffer and setting the mark.)

Now, my first attempt looked like this.

  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (not (eobp))
    (search-forward word nil 'move)
    (replace-match downcased-word t t)))

Notice the 'move parameter in search-forward invocation. If the third parameter is omitted or nil, it means signal an error when the searched term is not found (not what we want). If it is t, no error is signaled, but the point does not move – not useful for us, either, since we need the point to move to the end of buffer for eobp to end the loop. It turns out that we can use any other value (here I used the symbol 'move, but I could use, say, the string "move" or the number 0) to tell search-forward to move the point to the bound of the search.

Also, providing t as the second and third parameter of replace-match is important. The first time t is used here it prevents replace-match from case conversion (which is the whole point of our code). The second time it disables special characters connected with regex replacement (and we do not want that, either).

This, however, didn’t work – it just hangs. At first I didn’t know why, but I ran it through Edebug and the reason soon became apparent. The replace-match function moves the point to the end of the replacement string. As long as search-forward finds the next instance of word, that is fine – then, replace-match just leaves the point where search-forward put it. But when search-forward does not find word, it puts the point at the end of the buffer (because we asked it to do so!), and then replace-match puts it back where it was previously – so the condition in while is always true and the loop never exists. The solution is obvious (and in fact, it was even shown in the docstring of replace-string!):

  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (search-forward word nil t)
    (replace-match downcased-word t t)))

This uses the fact that search-forward returns a non-nil value when it finds the given string, and nil otherwise (provided its third parameter is non-nil – if it is nil or omitted, it signals an error then, which is not the behavior we want).

Of course, we need the variables word and downcased-word to contain the right things. The Elisp way to set temporary variables like that is the let clause. In this case, we’ll need let*, since the definition of downcased-word needs word, defined earlier in the same clause. (We could nest let clauses, but let* is more concise.) An additional advantage of using clauses like let* or let is that we can temporarily set case-fold-search to nil, and its previous value will reappear when let is done without any other action on our side. (This is what we need to make the search case-sensitive.)

(let* ((word (word-at-point))
       (downcased-word (downcase word))
       (case-fold-search nil))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward word nil t)
      (replace-match downcased-word t t))))

This code has one drawback – it will also replace instances of word being parts of longer words. This is probably not what we need. To overcome this limitation, let’s search for a regular expression instead, and add a \b at both ends. One problem with this approach is that word might contain some characters interpreted in a special way in a regex. Fortunately, Elisp has the regexp-quote function which escapes them, so e.g. (regexp-quote ".*") evaluates to the string "\\.\\*". Also, let’s wrap our code into a defun so that we can actually use it interactively.

(require 'thingatpt)
(defun downcase-instances-of-word-at-point ()
  "Convert every instance of the word at point to lowercase."
  (let* ((word (word-at-point))
         (downcased-word (downcase word))
         (case-fold-search nil))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward
              (format "\\b%s\\b" (regexp-quote word)) nil t)
        (replace-match downcased-word t t)))))

And this is it. Of course, this is Emacs, so we can tinker more. For example, we could introduce another variable, say count, initialize it to 0 and then increment it every time we do a replacement, and display the replacement count at the end. We could allow the user to edit the word to be replaced, suggesting the word at point as the default. These possibilities are left as an exercise for the reader​;-). Happy hacking!

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