2024-12-25 Merry Christmas 2024

And yet again, Christmas came! Every year, this is a powerful reminder that one day, we may live with God in Heaven. And much more than a reminder – Jesus lives and is truly present in the Eucharist, and like usual food and drink enables us to live here on Earth, Holy Communion enables us to live eternally. We just need to follow Him, and seriously! And Christmas is one of quite a few festivals where we have the opportunity to thank God for that and participate in the events that happened two thousand years ago. All this is of course only possible because of God’s mercy, since we are all sinners, but as St. Paul writes (paraphrasing Isaiah):
What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him.
Let us rejoice, because Christ is born today to save us from the devil and the consequences of our own evil deeds! And let us rejoice because the Holy Spirit guides us every day so that we may do good, too!

And according to the little tradition of mine, I will of course say a decade of Rosary for all of you, my dear readers.

Happy Christmas!

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