2025-01-13 A minor Org Clive improvement

It’s been a while since I touched Org Clive, but I’m still using it. (Side note: after writing about a dozen articles on my Doctor Who weblog it went a bit dormant. I’m still thinking about it – in fact, even more than thinking, I’m slowly writing it – and I really do hope to come back to publishing there with some regularity. Stay tuned, and if you are interested, keep its RSS feed in your RSS reader.) One gripe I had with it is that the org-clive-generate-subtree command is a bit stupid. If I’m in the middle of writing a long article (and articles on that weblog tend to be long enough to warrant sections), and I’m in the middle of a section of an article, M-x org-clive-generate-subtree tries to export the current subtree (that is, the section), and complains.
Entry ‘…’ does not have the ‘CUSTOM’ property

The solution is obvious – that command should go up the Org hierarchy until it gets to a headline with the CUSTOM_ID property and export it, or signal an error when it doesn’t find any.

Quite fortunately, I have already solved a very similar problem, so I know about the org-up-heading-safe function. The solution turned out to be (expectedly) short, although slightly tricky because of the use of not and unless (and as we all know, negations are a bit less intuitive for our brains).

That’s it for today – stay tuned for more Emacs and programming stuff in the future, and if there is no article here some day, it will most probably mean that a new post appeared on Crimson Eleven Delight Petrichor!

CategoryEnglish, CategoryBlog, CategoryEmacs, CategoryOrgMode