Recent Changes
2017-11-19 How to trip up yourself using Git
2018-05-20 Collaborating with non-Git-users - workflow and basic setup
2018-05-28 Collaborating with non-Git-users - Emacs support
2018-06-04 Collaborating with non-Git-users - Git hook
2018-06-10 Git diff in Eshell
2018-07-16 Eshell aliases
2018-08-06 Editing past Git commits
2018-08-13 A tip on git stash
2019-04-01 A trick with Git merging
2019-04-08 Adding an empty file to Git
2019-05-05 A few Magit tips
2019-05-27 Programmatically checking for uncommitted changes
2019-07-29 Git commands as separate executable files
2019-08-19 Transplanting a directory to another Git repository
2019-09-23 A comparison between merging and rebasing
2019-10-07 A tip with diffing (and committing) program structure changes
2020-01-13 Automatic testing during rebasing
2020-01-27 Splitting a past commit in two, and a bonus regex trick
2020-03-23 A rebase trick with disappearing commit
2020-04-18 The main line of history of some branch
2020-07-19 List all files that were ever present in a Git repo
2020-08-10 Custom git-log format and a poor man's changelog revisited
2020-08-31 When were changes from a specific commit merged
2021-10-11 Highlighting word differences when diffing
2024-04-08 Even more Magit tips
2024-05-13 Git quick stats
2024-05-27 Git mailmap file