Recent Changes
2016-06-20 Easy Javascript logging
2016-08-15 JavaScript callbacks
2016-12-31 JavaScript head
2018-01-29 A simple script for shuffling exam questions
2018-02-19 A console.log gotcha in Node.js
2018-06-25 A simple hack with the comma operator and console.log
2018-07-23 Handlebars inline and block helpers
2019-06-15 Debugging Node.js programs in a Vagrant virtual machine
2019-07-22 Increasing timeout in nginx
2019-08-11 A console.dir hint
2019-10-07 A tip with diffing (and committing) program structure changes
2019-10-12 Challenge accepted - a Node.js grep
2020-05-24 Two parameters and at least one required in yargs
2020-06-01 Node modules working as command-line scripts
2020-06-22 lodash iteratee shorthand
2020-08-24 Sorting object keys with Lodash
2021-03-07 A directory name as a command-line parameter for Node.js
2021-10-16 The funniest bug I've seen in a pretty long time
2022-03-14 Proper indentation after a const in Emacs
2022-05-16 Two simple helpers for debugging Express.js applications
2022-06-04 Diffing structural changes revisited
2022-12-12 Debugging chained operations in Lodash
2023-03-04 A horrible gotcha with nodenv and Node.js scripts
2024-07-01 Starting Node.js with selected packages preloaded
2024-09-23 npm clean-install --ignore scripts - it's a trap