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  • 14:56 UTC (new) (history) 2024-05-27 Git mailmap file . . . . mbork As everybody knows, Git has a lot of obscure commands and options. Today I’d like to write about one of them (which incidentally I mentioned two weeks ago). You can put a file named .mailmap at the top level of your Git repository, and have various names and/or email addresses mapped to a “canonical” names and addresses.


  • 20:49 UTC (new) (history) 2024-05-13 Git quick stats . . . . mbork A few years ago I took part in a project with a few collaborators, and I had a slightly atypical question. I wanted to know (approximately) how much each of the participants contributed to the final product. Since we tracked it in Git, the information is obviously there – for example, I can run git blame on every file in the project and see which line was contributed by who.


  • 06:30 UTC (new) (history) 2024-04-08 Even more Magit tips . . . . mbork Almost five years ago I wrote a short post with some Magit tips. Well, why not write some more? Magit is slowly but constantly evolving, and recently I discovered something very useful I didn’t even know existed.

