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  • 07:59 UTC (new) (history) 2024-05-04 Pretty printing SQL . . . . mbork I work with PostgreSQL on a daily basis, and I often share queries with my teammates. I like to show them nicely formatted queries instead of the mess I sometimes write;-). A bit surprisingly, I had troubles finding a nice SQL pretty-printer/formatter.




  • 05:53 UTC (new) (history) 2024-04-22 Next-Error-Follow mode . . . . mbork A few weeks ago I wrote about Emacs’ Follow mode. It turns out that searching for follow-mode on my blog reveals an old post about Ibuffer which is very short and unfortunately a bit misleading. It seems that the mention of Follow mode there was really meant to mean Next-Error-Follow mode. It is a completely unrelated, but also useful concept.


  • 17:23 UTC (new) (history) 2024-04-15 Improving recenter-top-bottom and reposition-window . . . . mbork If one can be a fan of an Emacs command, then I am a huge fan of recenter-top-bottom (C-l) and reposition-window (C-M-l). I use them all the time to see the context of what I’m editing at the moment. However, they are not always that useful. They are rather crude – recenter-top-bottom only has three “settings”, as the name suggests, and reposition-window has only two (it either puts the first line of a function, or the first line of a comment preceding the function at the top). As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I sometimes work with rather long functions – and sometimes I am in the second of two shorter ones, but I want to see the first one, too. Also, I don’t only edit code – I edit prose, too, where paragraph play the role of functions, and Org files, where there are even other structural elements – headlines, tables and source blocks in addition to paragraphs, for example. I decided to write a variation on the theme of reposition-window, which – instead of putting the first line of the function I’m in at the top, it tries to put the first line of a “section” I’m in at the top.


  • 06:30 UTC (new) (history) 2024-04-08 Even more Magit tips . . . . mbork Almost five years ago I wrote a short post with some Magit tips. Well, why not write some more? Magit is slowly but constantly evolving, and recently I discovered something very useful I didn’t even know existed.

