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  • 17:04 UTC (new) (history) 2025-03-10 Persisting variables across Emacs sessions revisited . . . . mbork You really never know. My post about persisting Emacs variables was a short tip, written in literally a few minutes to give me a respite from writing and time to complete some longer posts which are underway. It is no mystery that some posts are long (and I hope good) articles, and some are just short texts I put out when I’m overwhelmed with work – and the post about persist was definitely in the latter category. While I still consider it a useful tip, I never expected to get serious feedback about it – and here it is.


  • 17:02 UTC (new) (history) 2025-03-03 Applying some modification to selected files in a directory . . . . mbork Some time ago I had a rather specific need. I wanted to automatically modify a bunch of files in a directory, and I wanted to automate it as much as possible – but without writing any Elisp. Don’t get me wrong, I love coding in Elisp, but in that case I wanted a solution really quickly, faster than I could possibly code it.


  • 08:17 UTC (new) (history) 2025-02-22 Inserting Ledger transactions even faster . . . . mbork After I wrote my mbork-ledger-insert-transaction command, bound it to C-c C-v (in Ledger mode only, of course) and started using it, I noticed a big problem with it. It only inserts the heading line of the transaction and its source account, leaving the line for the target account empty. The result is that I need to fill in that line manually, which defeats the purpose of inserting the whole transaction fast.


  • 05:57 UTC (new) (history) 2025-02-17 isearch-forward-thing-at-point . . . . mbork One thing which I do very often is isearching for some term, like a function or variable name. Recently I learned that Emacs has a nice feature which helps with that. Pressing M-s M-. (or M-s .) invokes the isearch-forward-thing-at-point command, which does exactly what you would expect. Very useful! In fact, pressing M-s C-h reveals even more usefulness. Try it out for yourself!

