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(for 2015-02-07_Emms_and_transcripts only)

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  • 16:40 UTC (diff) 2015-02-07 Emms and transcripts . . . . Marcin Borkowski small correction (s/do/did/) (minor)
  • 16:40 UTC (diff) 2015-02-07 Emms and transcripts . . . . Marcin Borkowski small correction (added mpg321-remote) (minor)
  • 16:36 UTC (new) 2015-02-07 Emms and transcripts . . . . Marcin Borkowski A few days ago there was a question on the org-mode mailing list about using Org-mode as a transcript tool. While I do not do exactly this – what I needed was basically editing transcripts done by someone else, and they were rather simplistic, with no time information – I thought that sharing my (simple) config might be useful. Basically, what is needed is an integration of Emacs and a player, so that I can pause and unpause (is that a word?) the sound from Emacs. Also, seeking a few seconds back is useful so that if I didn’ (is that a word?)t understand something, I can easily go back to that place. Implement this, and that’s it.

