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  • 22:11 UTC (new) 2020-03-23 A rebase trick with disappearing commit . . . . Marcin Borkowski Today, while working with Git, I discovered a very nice feature. I was working on a dedicated feature branch. Suddenly I discovered a bug which had to be fixed in order for that feature branch to make sense. However, the bug was not really connected with the feature I was working on. Well, it was connected in a sense, but it could affect other things as well, and I decided it should be fixed much earlier than I could possibly finish working on that feature – in other words, it deserved its own branch, based on the develop branch. So, I stashed my work, switched the current branch to develop, created a fixbug branch, fixed the bug, created a merge request and asked a colleague to review it. But here’s the deal: I could not work on my feature without that particular bug fixed. On the other hand, I wanted my feature branch to be based on develop and not on some other, random branch (well, that would work, but I like the history to be as clean as possible). What to do?

