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  • 03:52 UTC (new) 2021-06-05 Emacs Lisp book update – what the book is going to look like . . . . mbork About a month ago I decided to write about the book on Emacs Lisp I am writing. I also made it available on Leanpub where you can download the first chapter and pay me to get the (roughly) 40% of the book that is already written. This post is the first in a series of updates I plan to publish about once per month. Read on if you are curious about the process of writing a book, or want to learn if it is for you, or want to actually help me to write it! First of all, I’d like to thank all the people who trusted me so far and say that I was surprised and humbled to have so many of you. Now I feel even more encouraged to stick to my writing schedule.

