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  • 14:05 UTC (new) 2022-07-11 A poor man's Emacs - Jira integration . . . . mbork I use Jira at work. (I know, I know. Actually it’s not that bad – at least it’s much better than Asana.) Of course, I also copy all my tasks to Emacs to clock them using Org-mode. A few days ago a teammate, seeing my Org file with all the Jira tasks, asked me how I pull them from Jira to Org. A bit embarassed, I told him that I’ve been just creating a new headline, typing the task id (like LT-1337) and copying the task title from Jira. This is not as bad as it sounds since it happen very rarely – say, once or twice per day, so automating this doesn’t really pay off. Still, it would be nice. So, I set out to do exactly that.

