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  • 16:19 UTC (new) (history) 2017-10-16 emacs-reveal . . . . Marcin Borkowski Some time ago, I learned from the Org-mode mailing list about a very interesting extension to the well-known org-reveal package. The emacs-reveal allows to embed audio files in reveal.js presentations. I find this quite fascinating, especially that I actually did prepare quite a few educational presentations.


  • 06:19 UTC (new) (history) 2017-10-08 Me an minimalism in 2017 . . . . Marcin Borkowski It’s been very interesting for me to read my post from previous year about Life, productivity, and faith. After almost a year my situation has changed a bit (although I’d prefer it to change more, in a sense), so I thought I’d like to share some of my views.


  • 18:14 UTC (new) (history) 2017-10-02 Converting TeX sequences to Unicode characters . . . . Marcin Borkowski I quite often deal with LaTeX files using stuff like \'a or \"e, and I really prefer having those encoded in UTF-8. So the natural question arises: how to convert one into another? The problem is especially frustrating because Emacs can do this – either via C-x 8 prefix, or with the TeX input method. It is not trivial, however, to find out how it does these things, and to get hold of the data used to actually perform the conversion. (At least, I didn’t find a way to do it.) After a bit of searching, however, I came up with another solution. I’m hesitant to call it “clever”; it’s rather hackish, but hey, it works, so who cares.


  • 04:30 UTC (new) (history) 2017-09-25 The Unconquered . . . . Marcin Borkowski As you probably have noticed, my blog has shifted towards being almost exclusively about technology in the past few years. This is not because I’m no longer interested in other subjects – it’s probably rather because it’s easier to write about technology. But I’d really like to change it a bit, and today I have a nice opportunity. It’s a rare thing when I write reviews of any kind here, but I’ll make an exception again.

