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  • 16:20 UTC (new) (history) 2018-08-13 A tip on git stash . . . . Marcin Borkowski I don’t know about you, but I use git stash fairly often. (This might be just a bad habit, and committing might be a better idea, but I do find stashing useful, especially for minor changes I’d like to apply from time to time on different branches but never commit. Yes, console.log and friends, I’m looking at you, but also at turning on various “debug” variables.) After some time, git stash list begins to look like this


  • 19:59 UTC (new) (history) 2018-08-06 Editing past Git commits . . . . Marcin Borkowski Everybody and their mother are now writing Git tutorials of various kinds, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon and do my own just like the thousands that already exist. Just kidding. My one will be different.


  • 12:45 UTC (new) (history) 2018-07-29 2018-07-29 The INSIDE EMACS variable . . . . Marcin Borkowski While researching stuff connected with Eshell and shells in Emacs in general, I encountered an interesting bit of information. It doesn’t seem to be useful for me personally, since I seldom use M-x shell or M-x term, prefering Eshell instead, but maybe someone may find a use for it. When you run a script/command from one of those Emacs non-elisp shells, the environment variable INSIDE_EMACS is set to a nonempty value so that scripts can recognize that they run inside Emacs.


  • 03:58 UTC (diff) (history) Comments on 2008-10-13 Alkohol . . . . Marcin Borkowski No, ale to ani trochę się ne wyklucza z tym, co napisałem (prawie dziesięć lat temu, ale chyba nadal mogę się pod tym podpisać). Nadal utrzymuję, że . . .
  • 03:44 UTC (new) (history) 2018-07-23 Handlebars inline and block helpers . . . . Marcin Borkowski In a project I’m involved in, we use a templating library called Handlebars.js. It is quite nice, and has a slightly less nice documentation. Since I’ve spent a considerable amount of time recently digging through the Internet to find some information on the so-called helpers, I thought I’ll share it here. Expect a series of (not necessarily consecutive) blog posts about Handlebars!


  • 19:17 UTC (new) (history) 2018-07-16 Eshell aliases . . . . Marcin Borkowski Some time ago, I wrote about a way for programs started in Eshell to use cat as a pager instead of less. Since originally I only wanted this behavior with Git, and Git has a =--no-pager option, it would be better to automatically add that option to Git. Well, it turns out that Eshell has the feature we know and love in bash: aliases.





  • 18:38 UTC (new) (history) 2018-06-16 ivy-use-selectable-prompt . . . . Marcin Borkowski It’s been a long-standing problem in Ivy that entering a string which was not on the list of candidates, but was a substring of one of the candidates, was non-trivial. You had to remember to press C-M-j instead of RET, and that requires some finger acrobatics. Well, it’s no longer a problem.


  • 10:34 UTC (new) (history) 2018-06-10 Git diff in Eshell . . . . Marcin Borkowski I try to use Eshell more, as part of a general drive towards moving everything into Emacs. One thing that annoyed me a bit was issuing a git diff or something similar in Eshell. Invariably, I received a WARNING: terminal is not fully functional.


  • 06:49 UTC (new) (history) 2018-05-28 Collaborating with non-Git-users - Emacs support . . . . Marcin Borkowski In the previous part, I showed how I can make Git add information about the commit in every file I want it to in such a way that it is updated every time I Git-archive the project. Actually, I have written an Elisp function to do this for me; it prepares a zip file with git archive and then writes a boilerplate email in mu4e, with the recipients’ addresses, attachment and a minimal body already in place.

