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  • 03:58 UTC (diff) Comments on 2008-10-13 Alkohol . . . . Marcin Borkowski No, ale to ani trochę się ne wyklucza z tym, co napisałem (prawie dziesięć lat temu, ale chyba nadal mogę się pod tym podpisać). Nadal utrzymuję, że . . .
  • 03:44 UTC (new) 2018-07-23 Handlebars inline and block helpers . . . . Marcin Borkowski In a project I’m involved in, we use a templating library called Handlebars.js. It is quite nice, and has a slightly less nice documentation. Since I’ve spent a considerable amount of time recently digging through the Internet to find some information on the so-called helpers, I thought I’ll share it here. Expect a series of (not necessarily consecutive) blog posts about Handlebars!


  • 15:40 UTC (new) Comments on 2008-10-13 Alkohol . . . . Barbara Marcin, zgoda, ale na początku użyłeś sformowania "choroba alkoholowa", a w ostatnim akapicie, jakby o nim zapomniałeś... Zły kusi, racja i kontrole . . .


  • 19:17 UTC (new) 2018-07-16 Eshell aliases . . . . Marcin Borkowski Some time ago, I wrote about a way for programs started in Eshell to use cat as a pager instead of less. Since originally I only wanted this behavior with Git, and Git has a =--no-pager option, it would be better to automatically add that option to Git. Well, it turns out that Eshell has the feature we know and love in bash: aliases.




  • 19:02 UTC (new) Comments on 2018-07-02 Smart yanking . . . . Omar Doesn't adding the advice in the text-mode-hook mean that after the first time you open a text-mode buffer the advice affects yanking in every single . . .
  • 03:04 UTC (new) 2018-07-02 Smart yanking . . . . Marcin Borkowski Notice: this is a long, technical post about a useful piece of Emacs Lisp. What it does it allowing to yank text with a space at either end both before and after a space between words and have Emacs adjust things so that you don’t end up with two spaces at one end of the yanked fragment and no space at the other one. If you just want the working code, you may get it from here: If you want to know the gory details, read on.

