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  • 19:59 UTC (new) (history) 2018-08-06 Editing past Git commits . . . . Marcin Borkowski Everybody and their mother are now writing Git tutorials of various kinds, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon and do my own just like the thousands that already exist. Just kidding. My one will be different.


  • 12:45 UTC (new) (history) 2018-07-29 2018-07-29 The INSIDE EMACS variable . . . . Marcin Borkowski While researching stuff connected with Eshell and shells in Emacs in general, I encountered an interesting bit of information. It doesn’t seem to be useful for me personally, since I seldom use M-x shell or M-x term, prefering Eshell instead, but maybe someone may find a use for it. When you run a script/command from one of those Emacs non-elisp shells, the environment variable INSIDE_EMACS is set to a nonempty value so that scripts can recognize that they run inside Emacs.


  • 03:58 UTC (diff) (history) Comments on 2008-10-13 Alkohol . . . . Marcin Borkowski No, ale to ani trochę się ne wyklucza z tym, co napisałem (prawie dziesięć lat temu, ale chyba nadal mogę się pod tym podpisać). Nadal utrzymuję, że . . .
  • 03:44 UTC (new) (history) 2018-07-23 Handlebars inline and block helpers . . . . Marcin Borkowski In a project I’m involved in, we use a templating library called Handlebars.js. It is quite nice, and has a slightly less nice documentation. Since I’ve spent a considerable amount of time recently digging through the Internet to find some information on the so-called helpers, I thought I’ll share it here. Expect a series of (not necessarily consecutive) blog posts about Handlebars!

