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  • 22:39 UTC (new) 2020-02-15 PostgreSQL and null values in jsonb . . . . Marcin Borkowski Some time ago I was writing some PostreSQL queries involving columns of type jsonb. For some reason I could not understand my query didn’t work as expected. I decided to dig a little bit deeper, and here is what I learned.


  • 19:14 UTC (new) 2020-02-10 My first steps with Lua . . . . Marcin Borkowski Well, the title of this post is a misnomer – I am already well past my first steps with Lua, since I’ve written a few (admittedly, very simple) Lua scripts. In the near future, though, I’d like to play around with Lua a tad more seriously. (I still do not have a lot of spare time for that, but we’ll see how it goes.) One thing I missed when I tried Lua last time (it could have been a year or so ago) was a feature found in Node.JS’s npm package manager.


  • 08:38 UTC (new) 2020-02-02 Encrypted Org-mode journal . . . . Marcin Borkowski I use the Org-mode capturing feature to write a daily journal, where I record various important events in the case I’m going to need the information about them. Some time ago it occured to me that encrypting that journal could be a good idea, so I decided to explore that possibility.


  • 22:17 UTC (new) 2020-01-27 Splitting a past commit in two, and a bonus regex trick . . . . Marcin Borkowski More than a year ago I described a very simple Git rebase workflow, where all we were interested in was just fixing some mistakes in a past commit. Let us now go a little bit deeper. One thing I had always trouble with was splitting a commit in two (or more). While there are many tutorials about this on the internet, I wrote my own, even though it turned out that it is not better than the other ones. Go figure. (One advantage is that I have it on my website, so that I won’t need to do much searching in case I need it.)


  • 17:51 UTC (new) 2020-01-19 tldr . . . . Marcin Borkowski For today, I only have a short tip. Some time ago, I discovered this little gem called tldr. This project aims at creating an example-based alternative to man pages. It comprises several hundred short pages containing a short, one-line introduction to the command explained and a bunch of examples.

