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  • 17:51 UTC (new) 2020-07-06 Auto renaming image files . . . . mbork Like probably everyone else, I have lots of pictures from digital camera(s). Cataloging them is basically a nightmare, and I lost any hope for doing that manually a long time ago. But why not make the computer do as much work as possible?


  • 11:51 UTC (new) 2020-06-27 Selective display . . . . mbork A few days ago I was working with some large JSON files. The top level of the file contained a large array, and each of its elements was a large object consisting of numbers, strings and other objects. I needed to work with a few elements at the top level of those objects, and did not want the lower-level objects to get in the way. In other words, I needed to hide them somehow.


  • 21:03 UTC (new) 2020-06-22 lodash iteratee shorthand . . . . mbork As is widely known, JavaScript is a language with good semantics, not-so-good syntax and a terrible standard library. There are a few modules that aim to help with the last part, and lodash is one of them that I happen to use. It is a very nice thing, but is not necessarily easy to learn for newcomers. One of its nice features is so-called “iteratee shorthand”, mentioned many times in the docs. What is that? Well, Lodash has (among many others) the _.iteratee function. It accepts one argument and returns a function. If the argument is a function, _.iteratee just returns the same function – nothing interesting (and if given null, it returns the identity function). The first interesting thing happens when the argument is a string or an integer.


  • 20:51 UTC (new) 2020-06-15 Emacs, Org-mode, Beeminder and pomodoros . . . . mbork As some of my readers probably know, I am a happy user of Beeminder, and I even wrote my own Emacs- and Org-based Beeminder client. For some time, I’ve been thinking about somehow incorporating the famous pomodoro technique into my productivity quiver. The problem was, I did know how exactly to do it. Until today.


  • 20:11 UTC (new) 2020-06-08 Emacs as a (very simple) CAT . . . . mbork From time to time, I need to translate something (usually from English to Polish). Being an Emacs user, I obviously do the typing in Emacs. However, translating – as opposed to writing – has its own set of challenges. One of them is that I need to have two texts on the screen, and track my positions in both. While the “current position” in the active window is clearly marked with the point, this is not that helpful in the “other window” – while the point is visible there, it is usually not very prominent (even if you customize the cursor-in-non-selected-windows variable, which see). You probably expect where this is going to. Yes, I’m going to write such a tool myself.

