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  • 20:12 UTC (new) 2022-01-17 Making code snippets in Org-mode easier to type . . . . mbork From time to time people tend to discuss the Org markup – some people want to extend it in one way or another, some people want to make it more Markdown-ish. I tend to agree that the selection of the tilde (~) to denote code is a bit inferior than Markdown’s choice of the backtick (`). But keep in mind this: I don’t have a problem with looking at my Org file and seeing (lots of) tildes. After all, font-lock does a good job of telling me that this is code. I have a problem with typing these tildes, since they require me pressing the shift key – and if I have a lot of small code snippets, this is not very comfortable. Add to this the fact that I happen to write in Markdown pretty often (when I use Markdown-based tools, like Slack or Jira), and I started wondering: why couldn’t I press the backtick in Org-mode to type a tilde (and vice versa so that I don’t lose the ability to type a backtick)?


  • 21:59 UTC (new) 2022-01-10 Simple tmux scripting revisited . . . . mbork Some time ago I wrote about my (very simple) tmux script. Since then I started to like tmux even more, and in fact I tend to create a similar script for every major project I work on. Last time, however, I noted how the sleep part is very fragile (and less than elegant). Since then I realized that I do not need any advanced scripting to run command Y in tmux window B when command X in window A finishes its job. In fact, this is very simple, and I’m ashamed I didn’t think about it earlier.



  • 09:44 UTC (new) 2021-12-24 Merry Christmas . . . . mbork It seems that it is already a tradition that I wish Merry Christmas to all my readers! Of course, as old-timers surely know, I’ll offer a decade of Rosary for you.

