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  • 19:30 UTC (new) (history) 2022-07-02 Paying my bills with Emacs . . . . mbork I use Emacs to pay my bills. Literally. I mean, I use it in my day job, obviously, but it’s not what I’m talking about today. In Poland, the most often used way to pay bills like electicity, phone, internet etc. is via bank transfers. To make a transfer you need to type at least the account number of the person or company you transfer money to, the description of the transaction and (obviously) the amount you need to pay. To simplify things, I defined a few recurring recipients in my bank system so that I only need to choose the recipient and type in the invoice number (as the description) and the amount. Still, this is a bit cumbersome. And this is where Emacs can come in.




  • 19:14 UTC (new) (history) 2022-06-13 Highlighting and de-highlighting things . . . . mbork From time to time I want to perform a kind-of “human search” on a file. For example, there is some keyword – or maybe something describable by a regex – and I want to be able to easily spot all of its occurrences in some file. For some reason, isearch or Swiper won’t work for me. (This may happen if, for instance, I don’t exactly know what I’m looking for. Imagine going through some file and deciding to search for some keywords only when I actually see them for the first time. So, I’m skimming a buffer and once I see the word “banana”, I go “hey, bananas are good, let’s find more of them” and then I want to easily see every line containing the word “banana”. Skimming further, I can see the word “apple” and I suddenly have a craving for apples, so I want to add apples to things that should be easily seen. And so on.) It turns out that Emacs has a few commands which can help with that.

