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  • 15:54 UTC (new) (history) 2023-04-01 Showing an image between lines in Emacs . . . . mbork I am now coding a bigger thing in Elisp (and I will definitely blog about it when it’s done), but for now let me say something about an issue I encountered along the way. I needed to display an image between the lines (in the literal sense;-)), preferably not interfering with the editing process – so just inserting two newlines and a space with an image display property inbetween was out of the question. (I wanted the user to be able to edit the buffer irrespective of the image display, and actually inserting anything into the buffer would mess with the undo mechanism).


  • 07:20 UTC (new) (history) 2023-03-25 Using a thesaurus from within Emacs . . . . mbork Now that I started to devote more time to writing, I need a thesaurus more and more often. What I usually did was to go to my browser and use – but as we all know, leaving Emacs is always a pain. I fired M-x package-list-packages and it turned out that there are several packages to look up synonyms from the comfort of Emacs.


  • 21:35 UTC (new) (history) 2023-03-20 Manually entering clocking data . . . . mbork As I alluded many times in the past, I use Org mode’s clocking feature almost all the time. However, there are times I don’t. One of such cases is a rare situation when I don’t have access to my computer. Since I started commuting using public transport, I do some reading in a streetcar or bus. When I get to my laptop again, I want to update my clocking data. How to do that?



