LaTeX - special characters

Last edit

Summary: corrections


< \item a dollar sign: \$, a hash sign: \#, an ampersand: \&, braces: \{ and \}, and a percetnage sign: \%;


> \item a dollar sign: \$, a hash sign: \#, braces: \{ and \}, and a percentage sign: \%;


This document shows how to enter some special characters into a \LaTeX{} document.
\item `single' and ``double'' quotes;
\item a hy-phen, an en--dash and an em---dash;
\item ellipsis\dots
\item \'a\`c\v{c}\=e\~n\^t\.e\d{d} letters;
\item a dollar sign: \$, a hash sign: \#, braces: \{ and \}, and a percentage sign: \%;
\item for more, consult The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List.