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  • 14:14 UTC (new) (history) 2019-12-24 Christmas 2019 . . . . Marcin Borkowski So, it’s Christmas Eve again! Thanks be to God for His mercy and coming to us as the Child! This year, I have special reasons to be thankful, since my family got through a difficult time of serious illness of one of us. I am sure every one of my readers has something to thank for – don’t hesitate to kneel before God the Almighty, his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and thank! As usual, my Christmas present to all my readers is a decade of Rosary for you.


  • 15:01 UTC (new) (history) 2019-12-23 Counting sentences in emails . . . . Marcin Borkowski Some time ago I wrote about sentence counting in Emacs buffers (or regions). I promised a sequel, and here it is. The real reason to count sentences is that I wanted to be able to automatically put a signature in my email referring to one of the webpages. It turns out, however, that counting sentences in email messages is much more difficult than it seems.



  • 10:06 UTC (new) (history) 2019-12-07 Dollar-quoted strings in Bash . . . . Marcin Borkowski As we all know, bash is a terrible but ubiquitous thing. Nowadays I usually avoid writing bash scripts as much as I can – but sometimes I really need to do something bash-y, for instance in the command line. One thing I encountered some time ago is putting newlines into bash strings, e.g. in parameters. My use case was that I wanted to make a Git commit from command line with a multiline commit message.


