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  • 18:40 UTC (new) (history) 2020-03-28 psql as a PostgreSQL teacher . . . . Marcin Borkowski A week ago, one of the commenters of my post from two weeks ago asked about the way to do stuff like \d (“describe table”) or \l (list the databases) etc. from SQL blocks in Org-mode. Well, the answer is – rather expectedly – “this is PostgreSQL, of course it’s possible”. Here’s how psql can teach you how to do it.


  • 22:14 UTC (diff) (history) Comments on 2020-03-09 Using Org-mode as a PostgreSQL client . . . . Marcin Borkowski Hi, thanks for all the comments! I'm very busy now, but I will address them in another post in a week or two -- stay tuned!
  • 22:11 UTC (new) (history) 2020-03-23 A rebase trick with disappearing commit . . . . Marcin Borkowski Today, while working with Git, I discovered a very nice feature. I was working on a dedicated feature branch. Suddenly I discovered a bug which had to be fixed in order for that feature branch to make sense. However, the bug was not really connected with the feature I was working on. Well, it was connected in a sense, but it could affect other things as well, and I decided it should be fixed much earlier than I could possibly finish working on that feature – in other words, it deserved its own branch, based on the develop branch. So, I stashed my work, switched the current branch to develop, created a fixbug branch, fixed the bug, created a merge request and asked a colleague to review it. But here’s the deal: I could not work on my feature without that particular bug fixed. On the other hand, I wanted my feature branch to be based on develop and not on some other, random branch (well, that would work, but I like the history to be as clean as possible). What to do?


  • 20:28 UTC (new) (history) 2020-03-16 COVID-19 . . . . Marcin Borkowski It seems that everyone is talking about the COVID-19 pandemic now. Well, I decided to jump the bandwagon with a PSA. As all long-time readers of my blog know, it is a small tradition here to offer a decade of Rosary for all my readers on occasions of Easter and Christmas. I figure that a situation of life-endangering pandemic is a perfect opportunity to remember about prayer, so I am going to do the same also today.

