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  • 07:04 UTC (new) (history) 2022-06-04 Diffing structural changes revisited . . . . mbork Two and a half years ago I blogged about diffing program structure changes. Since then I learned about a fantastic new diffing tool, called (very appropriately) Difftastic, by Wilfred Hughes, the author of many great Emacs packages I will definitely blog about some day.


  • 08:26 UTC (new) (history) 2022-05-29 A short hike in Polish . . . . mbork Dzisiejszy post jest nieco nietypowy, choćby z z tego powodu, że jest dwujęzyczny – co ma sens, zważywszy na jego temat. Today's post is rather atypical, if only because it is //bilingual// -- which makes sense, given the subject.


  • 05:39 UTC (new) (history) 2022-05-23 Copying code snippets . . . . mbork Two weeks ago I wrote about copying stuff from Emacs to the system clipboard, converting from Org-mode to markdown along the way. Even earlier, I wrote a snippet of code to convert double spaces to single ones when copying. Let’s continue the thread of transforming stuff while copying it from Emacs.


  • 10:50 UTC (new) (history) 2022-05-16 Two simple helpers for debugging Express.js applications . . . . mbork Sometimes, when debugging Express.js applications, it happens that one of the many middlewares for some route is misbehaving and either redirects to somewhere it shouldn’t, hangs or something like this, resulting in a 500. While it is possible to attach a debugger to Node.js, a good ol’ console.log is often an easy and fast way to find a culprit. Especially with this very simple middleware:

